A Dive into VR.. recreating a Wii Minigame — Part #1
Do you remember using those old Wii remotes to play Wii Sports and all those minigames on the Wii Console?
While talking with my friend about Personal Projects that the both of us have done for our own individual curiosities — the discussion moved onto the topic of VR and what projects we’ve worked on. My friend Kate, who by day is a Senior Security Engineer and Software Developer, was talking about how she made an Avatar (the not blue people one) inspired VR game where she could punch out fire, water or earth but only managed to flesh out the ‘fire bending’ and stopped there.
That moment you do like a punch and there’s literal fire coming out of your first my god I wanted to scream, like a childhood dream come true -Kate
Now considering both of us had VR headsets we thought why don’t we try and have a go at creating a project together with her coding prowess and my rusty knowledge but skills in UI and UX Design we’d make a potent combo to go and work out this project.
We wanted to have a go at recreating a sword-fighting minigame from the Wii Sports series. Because hey, technology has moved along rather nicely with voice recognition, face ID, and of course the main things we’re interested in, better motion controls and tracking systems.
The Start — Ideation
However, before we can jump to it there were a few housekeeping things we had to set out since we’re working on the project together remotely.
Since we were both based remotely we had to find a way to collaborate and work on this project together and find a tool we were both comfortable using to work on the project;
We decided to use Unreal Engine as our main platform as Kate has previous experience coding with it and the blueprint system can help ease some of the harder coding woes we’ll find later on.
For collaborating and getting the stuff we were working with together in sync we decided to use GitHub to have the most updated versions and push each other any things we’ve been working on in a Git Repository.