Geolocation, Javascript, Workshopping and AR
‘Geolocation’ is a brief aimed at exploring the creation of an interactive map using live data. Focusing on key points like what the “spatial arrangement reveals about the information”, the information in question is up to choice. Furthermore has to be accessible online.
Forensic Architecture is a multidisciplinary research group based at Goldsmiths, University of London that uses architectural techniques and technologies to investigate cases of state violence and violations of human rights around the world. These use geolocation data, architecture reports forensic science, and official reports to piece together cases and evidence.
I liked their approach to showcasing and using photo and video imagery to piece together scenes and locations combined with public reports and location data.

How do we access and use Geolocation Data?
An app at the time I was using called ‘Open Paths’, allowed me to track our location data from my mobile phone. First I had to create the data using the app so I walked around to get some data and then map it using the p5.js Javascript Library. Coding it and setting it up created a circular shape — as well I only walked around the block so I had only generated a small amount of data — the lines that veered off wildly were a few points as my phone guessed where I was while inside the building. This demonstrated one way I could use the data to create a map using data points.

Using Google Maps API — I accessed the google API obtaining a key I could use for the web and get a local version of the map working. I then proceeded to tweak and remove sections of the interface — this was further costomised by using the Styling Wizard to change the appearance and look of the map.

Once I had customised it enough to get the look and appearance with a few UI elements I wanted to show, I then used the journey data of my way to Uni and back to create a mapped-out route with animated markers.
Moving on from that we then went on to create a variable that would ‘jump’ to locations I had designated and cycle through then. Additionally creating a ‘’random location’ button that would — as it suggests jump to another random location in the world.
Our final foray, was into CodePen an online code editor and open-source learning environment — create a ‘pen’ that would track our location and the speed we were going.

The Idea and Ideation
One of the topics I wanted to explore is how Syria was in a state of civil war and at the time of starting the project — news came out about how heritage sites were being destroyed or irreversibly damaged in Syria. I was curious to look into the history behind these heritage sites and how do we preserve them if they’re destroyed and damaged.

A project that sparked my interest in this, was how some archaeologists and historians were using 3D mock-ups and AR to preserve these historic sites, built using imagery and 3D technology.
How do we preserve irreversibly damaged sites?
Since Palmyra was very recent news it would be the best source to get news, data and projects around it due to being the historic location of a Roman Theatre — that was destroyed by ISIS.

Exploring Vuforia and Augmented Reality
Vuforia allows the use of Augmented Reality, it’s also compatible with Unity to create Virtual Reality Games or Experiences. In addition to this, I did some research into the software and how I would go about modifying my design for mobile.

First Initial Prototype of Concept using Unity, while researching how I would create Markerless AR I found it to be technically challenging. I followed an example tutorial on how to go about this. The tutorial demonstrates the illusion of walking around a model in 3D space using the gyroscope, this works out the distance between you and the model.
However, I found when I live-tested it the script in C# wasn’t working accordingly so the model remained fixed rather than being able to walk around it. Furthermore, porting it was difficult as I didn’t have an android device I could build onto. Moreover, as I haven’t learnt C# I was able to make any alterations to the script to improve upon it. However, I did another Demo trying it out using a marker and managed to get it to work.
I think one of the problems with the initial test, was that attempting to do marker-less AR with Vuforia, was that I was trying to move away from its intended use — rather than trying to use markers with the design. However, referring back to the concept the idea was that you could open it up anywhere and immerse yourself in this location.
After exploring how to use Vuforia and AR I decided to go back to my initial idea of having a clickable prototype in 3D space — where you’d hear about the history behind the site. I decided to not waste time, with canning the concept altogether, as I was running out of time so I moved back to using three.js to still create a 3D environment.
This was one of the more ‘complicated’ projects because in hindsight I was jumping around many different ideas and concepts — whenever I met I high technical challenge I couldn’t resolve I had to adapt and pivot due to time constraints. This lead to a skeleton of a project that I wasn't really satisfied with — However it allowed me to explore the use of using Location Data, exploring API Data and Augmented Reality and give three.js another go.